What are your favorite genres?
Oh, this is such a simple yet complex question. I can't really say I have a favorite, I just know that I absolutely love contemporary romances, I love well written and maturely developed young adult novels and I also love me some erotica and a few taboo choices here and there if they're tastefully written, heh. I'm very open minded, very liberal and I'm always looking for the next book that will cut me open and sew me back together in between all the pages. I seem to turn away from all fluff though, I need some angst and some drama in every story. Doesn't have to kill me but I need to feel something other than rainbows and butterflies. What can I say? I'm a sucker for punishment, daaah-ling. Heh.

What genres DON'T you like?
I'm really not a fan of paranormal books at all. Movies either. I prefer my books to stay realistic. I don't really connect with unrealistic things and terms and it's too much of a hassle for me. M/M books are something I haven't delved into and not something I'm sure I'd enjoy. Who knows, though. Might give it a shot someday. You never know.

What's your favorite book of all time?
GOSH. Who's to know!? But if I was in a dark room with a gun pointed straight at my head and had to choose just one book, I would yell Beautiful Disaster at the top of my lungs. And then kindly ask them to take the darn gun away. Dra-ma! Travis Maddox made me feel like no other before (rivaled only slightly by Christian Grey, cough) and thus, this is my favorite book of all time. I have reread it about 8 times and I'm always punched in the gut a time or two or fifteen. Closely followed by the Fifty Shades trilogy (oh, mama!) and the Crossfire novels. Those are my top three! I spy Remington Tate squeezing his way to the top. Sigh. Why must we have to choose favorites?!

What's your favorite kind of hero?
Oh, mama! This is hard to answer cohesively. I love me some alpha males (to die for!), possessive and jealous men are my drug, sweet but rough at the same time. I love a healthy dose of fighters - yep, Travis and Remy! I'm staring straight at y'all! -, unapologetic men who will stop at nothing to get their women and love their women. Ride or die heroes are my favorite kind. Christian, Travis, Gideon, Remy, Jesse, Rush... to name a few. 

How many books do you read a week and how fast?
Ha! Depends on how busy I am. This Summer and beginning of Fall I have read well over 200 books, sometimes two a day. I'm a really, huge, super fast reader. I'll be done in 2, 3 hours tops once I start. I have a hard time stopping, but with college I just haven't had the time, so now I'm lucky if I can read 2 books a week. Sigh. Sometimes reading so much makes you become jaded, though. Not a lot impresses you and you're not as easily swept off your feet, bummer.

Who are your favorite authors?
I'm naming some off the top of my head, so right now I'd say... 
  • Pamela Ann - Be sure to watch this little lady! She will sweep you off your feet with her cuh-razy drama and angst. I'm not kidding! She guts me so deep but glues me back together so good! She's amazing! "Scornfully Yours", "Blasphemous", "Fixated on You"... Emma, Carter and Bass. Have no idea what I'm talking about? *gasp!* GET ON IT, PRONTO! 
  • Sylvia Day - Does this lady need any introduction? I've never seen such flawless writing of erotica or otherwise in my life. She's highly descriptive, sensually captivating and you feel as if you're Eva and Gideon is sweeping YOU off your feet. She's amazing, and I can't wait for book #4, "Captivated by You"!
  • E.L. James - Need I say more? Lord bless you, love, for giving us Fifty Shades of Grey. Regardless of what other people say, I'm grateful to have been given the opportunity to delve inside Christian's utterly complex mind. Good on you!
  • Jamie McGuire - Jamie! Let me hug you so tight, girl! Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me to my love Travis! I love your writing style and I love how passionate you made him and Abby and their love. 
  • Kristen Ashley - Also known as the QUEEN of biker novels. She's one bad mamma jamma, and if you ever have that urge we all get at one point or another of reading a supreme biker novel, you go to her and you drool and you LOVE the heck out of her books because she deserves it. Amaze!
  • Elle Casey - Meet Elle. She writes THE funniest novels I've ever read. She writes THE sweetest heroes. She just writes perfectly. Aren't you sold already!? Get "Shine Not Burn" and "Rebel" ASAP. Why are you still here?! Chop chop! 
I will add more as I see fit! If you even made it to the bottom, thank you! <3

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